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Dallas Inventions: 134 Patents Tso Cai Hauv Lub Limtiam Lub Kaum Ob Hlis 28 » Dallas Innovations

Dallas-Fort Worth nyob qib 9th ntawm 250 lub nroog rau kev ua haujlwm patent.Granted patents suav nrog: • Adobe cov ntawv sau cov khaub ncaws uas piav txog tib neeg • Biological Innovation thiab Optimization Systems 'dual-mode spectral dimming teeb pom kev zoo • Bulletproof Property Management's digital koob yees duab zoom tswj chaw • CareView Communications los sau cov txheej txheem rau tus neeg mob • CommScope Technologies Small Cell Antennas thiab Cable Mounting Rails rau Rolls-Royce Turbine Cav Fleet Wash Management System Modular thiab Configurable Spacecraft Attachments thiab Deployment Components rau Xtenti
US Patent No. 11,210,831 (Depicting Humans in Text-Defined Clothing) Muab rau Adobe Inc. [Illustration: SpicyTruffel/iStock]
Dallas Invents txhua lub limtiam tshuaj xyuas ntawm US patents ntsig txog Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metro cheeb tsam.Cov npe suav nrog cov ntawv tso cai rau cov neeg ua haujlwm hauv zos thiab/lossis North Texas inventors.Patent kev ua haujlwm tuaj yeem yog qhov qhia txog kev loj hlob ntawm kev lag luam yav tom ntej nrog rau kev lag luam tawm tshiab. thiab cov txuj ci kev nyiam.Los ntawm kev taug qab cov neeg tsim khoom thiab cov neeg ua haujlwm hauv cheeb tsam, peb lub hom phiaj yog los muab kev pom dav dav ntawm cov haujlwm tsim khoom hauv cheeb tsam.Cov npe tau teeb tsa los ntawm Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC).
A: Tib neeg xav tau 4 B: Kev Ua Haujlwm; Thauj 13 C: Chemistry; Metallurgy 4 E: Tsau Structures 5 F: Mechanical Engineering; Teeb pom kev zoo; Cua sov; riam phom; Demolition 10 G: Physics 47 H: Hluav taws xob 40
Texas Instruments Inc. (Dallas) 20 Toyota Motor Engineering Manufacturing North America Inc. (Plano) 12 Sandisk Technologies LLC (Addison) 7 Paccar Inc. (Bellevue, WA) 6 Textron Innovations Inc. (Providence, Ri) 6 Att Intellectual Property I , LP (Atlanta, Georgia) 3 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. (Suwon-Si, Kr) 3 True Velocity Ip Holdings LLC (Garland) 3 Verizon Patent and Licensing Inc. (Basking Ridge, NJ)3
Austin Hiep Phan (English) 3 David Leetz (English) 3 Lonnie Burrow (Carrollton) 3 Madhukar Budagavi (Plano) 3 Huai-Yuan Tseng (San Ramon, CA) 2 Jonathan Scott Wood (Frisco) 2 Otto Karl Allmendinger (Rowlett). ) 2
Cov ntaub ntawv patent muab los ntawm Joe Chiarella, tus tsim ntawm patent tsom xam tuam txhab Patent Index thiab tshaj tawm ntawm Inventiveness Index.Rau cov ntsiab lus ntxiv ntawm cov ntawv tso cai hauv qab no, thov tshawb xyuas USPTO Patent Full Text and Image Database.
Khoom noj khoom haus nrog cov plhaub uas yaj los yog yaj kom tso cov khoom xyaw thiab tsim cov dej haus kom sov Patent No. 11206849
Inventor: Katherine T. Weiser (Dallas, TX) Assignee: Chocolate House Incubator Retail, LLC (Dallas, TX) Law Firm: No Attorney Application Number, Date, Speed: 17163063 in 2021 January 29 (333 days of app release)
Cov ntsiab lus: Cov khoom noj khoom haus suav nrog cov plhaub thib ib thiab thib ob uas muaj ntau yam khoom xyaw.Lub plhaub thawj thiab lub plhaub thib ob txuas nrog rau ib leeg los ntawm cov nplaum uas siv tau.Lub plhaub tau teeb tsa kom yaj lossis yaj rau hauv cov kua kub kom tso tawm ntau yam khoom xyaw, thiab lub edible binder yog configured rau yaj los yog yaj mus rau hauv lub rhuab kua los tsim ib tug rhuab dej haus.Lub plurality ntawm cov khoom xyaw muaj xws li ib tug thawj cov khoom thiab ib tug thib ob cov khoom xyaw uas yaj mus rau hauv lub rhuab kua.null
Cov Txheej Txheem thiab Cov Txheej Txheem rau Cov Kab Tsuag Hauv Cov Khoom Noj Khoom Noj thiab Dej Haus Probiotic rau Tib Neeg Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv Patent No. 11206860
Inventors: Amanda Rosmarin (Lantana, TX), Charles J. Greenwald (Irving, TX), Daniel Aberle (Irving, TX), Gabriel FK Everett (Mansfield, TX), George Aboagye (Derby, , GB), Jordan E. Church (Carrollton, TX), Judy Pruitt (Mesquite, TX Assignee: NCH Corporation (Irving, TX) Law Firm: Scheef Stone, LLP (Local) Application No., Date, Speed: 16823776 on 03/19/2020 (649 days app tso tawm)
Lus Cim: Ib qho muaj pes tsawg leeg thiab txoj hauv kev ua kom muaj cov kab mob probiotics hauv cov khoom noj thiab dej haus, xws li cov tshuaj yej infused, kas fes, kua zaub thiab kua ntses.Cov khoom noj khoom haus germination muaj xws li ib los yog ntau dua L-amino acids, xaiv ib los yog ntau dua buffers los tswj pH ntawm Cov muaj pes tsawg leeg nyob rau hauv thaj tsam li ntawm 6-8 thaum ntxiv rau dej, optionally D- Glucose, D-fructose, los yog D-glucose thiab D-fructose, thiab xaiv osmoprotectant.Cov khoom noj khoom haus germination muaj pes tsawg leeg, ib los yog ntau tshaj [i]Bacillus [/i] spores, thiab cov khoom noj los yog dej haus tuaj yeem muab sib xyaw ua ke hauv ib qho kev sib xyaw ua ke. Dej yog ntxiv rau qhov sib tov thiab ua kom sov rau qhov kub ntawm 42 txog 100 ° C kom germinate cov spores probiotic ua ntej noj.
[A61K] Kev npaj rau kev kho mob, kho hniav lossis siv chav dej (cov cuab yeej lossis cov txheej txheem tshwj xeeb rau kev npaj cov khoom siv tshuaj rau hauv cov ntaub ntawv tshwj xeeb lossis kev tswj hwm; tshuaj lom neeg lossis cov khoom siv rau kev tshem tawm cov ntxhiab tsw, tshuaj tua kab mob lossis ua kom tsis muaj menyuam A61J 3/00 Siv, lossis rau cov ntaub qhwv , hnav khaub ncaws, nqus cov pawm lossis cov khoom siv phais A61L xab npum C11D)
Inventors: Beamon Agarwal (Secane, PA), Pragnya Das (Secane, PA), Santosh K Panda (Gaithersburg, MD), Suchismita Acharya (Euless, TX) Assignee: AYUVIS RESEARCH, INC. (Fort Worth, TX) Law Firm: Chalker Flores, LLP (Local) Daim Ntawv Thov No., Hnub, Ceev: 15473904 ntawm 03/30/2017 (1734 hnub app rau qhov teeb meem)
Paub meej: Tam sim no invention muaj feem xyuam rau cov khoom tshiab, variants, tshuaj siv tau ntsev thiab prodrugs ntawm no, thiab siv cov tebchaw nyob rau hauv kev kho mob thiab/los yog tswj sepsis, sepsis, septic shock, ocular kab mob, ocular mob, ocular angiogenesis, rheumatoid. mob caj dab (RA), atherosclerosis, inflammatory plob tsis so tswj kab mob (IBD), mob hawb pob, mob ntsws obstructive pulmonary kab mob, febrile syndrome, cachexia, psoriasis, autoimmune kab mob, kab mob plawv, retinoblastoma, mob cancer, thiab / los yog tej yam kab mob muaj feem xyuam rau o, tiv thaiv kab mob, thiab microbes.
[A61K] Kev npaj rau kev kho mob, kho hniav lossis siv chav dej (cov cuab yeej lossis cov txheej txheem tshwj xeeb rau kev npaj cov khoom siv tshuaj rau hauv cov ntaub ntawv tshwj xeeb lossis kev tswj hwm; tshuaj lom neeg lossis cov khoom siv rau kev tshem tawm cov ntxhiab tsw, tshuaj tua kab mob lossis ua kom tsis muaj menyuam A61J 3/00 Siv, lossis rau cov ntaub qhwv , hnav khaub ncaws, nqus cov pawm lossis cov khoom siv phais A61L xab npum C11D)
Inventor: Kevin R. Harper (Fort Worth, Texas) Tus Neeg Ua Haujlwm: Taylor Made Golf Company, Inc. (Carlsbad, California) Txoj Cai Lij Choj: Klarquist Sparkman, LLP (2 lub chaw ua haujlwm tsis nyob hauv cheeb tsam Office) Daim Ntawv Thov No., Hnub tim, Ceev: 17002620 Lub Yim Hli 25, 2020 (490 hnub ua ntawv thov)
Paub meej: Ib lub club golf muaj lub taub hau, lub taub hau, thiab lub rooj sib txuas uas tso cai rau lub taub hau kom yooj yim txiav tawm ntawm lub taub hau. Hauv qee qhov kev sib txuas, cov kev sib txuas sib txuas muaj xws li lub tes tsho tshem tau hosel uas tso cai rau cov ncej kom tau txais kev txhawb nqa hauv ib qho kev sib txuas. Qhov kev xav tau predetermined orientation txheeb ze rau lub club lub taub hau.Qhov no, lub loft thiab / los yog lub kaum sab xis ntawm lub club tuaj yeem hloov kho yam tsis muaj kev hloov mus rau cov tsoos flexing ntawm ncej. nce thiab nqis txheeb ze rau lub pob ntaus lub ntsej muag ntawm lub club lub taub hau, uas yog qhov zoo rau kev kho lub ntsej muag lub ntsej muag ntawm lub club lub taub hau.
[A63B] Khoom siv rau kev cob qhia lub cev, gymnastics, ua luam dej, nce toj lossis laj kab; pob ua si; Cov khoom siv kev cob qhia (kev tawm dag zog ua haujlwm, cov khoom siv zaws A61H) HEADER B Ua OPs
Cov txheej txheem thiab cov txheej txheem rau kev saib xyuas microelectronic substrates kho nrog cov tshuaj txau xws li cov kua dej cryogenic tshuaj Patent No. 11207715
Inventor: Alan Dee Rose (Wylie, TX) Assignee: TEL MANUFACTURING AND ENGINEERING OF AMERICA, INC. (Chaska, MN) Law Firm: Kagan Binder, PLLC (1 non-local office) Daim ntawv thov naj npawb, hnub tim, Velocity: 16396008 rau lub Plaub Hlis 26 Lub Ib Hlis 2019 (977 hnub ua ntawv thov)
Paub meej: Cov txheej txheem ntawm no muaj feem xyuam rau cov cuab yeej siv thiab cov txheej txheem rau kev kho microelectronic substrate nto, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog rau tshem tawm cov khoom los ntawm microelectronic substrates siv cov tshuaj tua kab mob, xws li cov tshuaj txau cryogenic kua. Kev tswj cov txheej txheem tshem tawm cov khoom tawm ntawm qhov chaw ntawm microelectronic substrate.Qhov kev siv tshuab no tso cai rau kev siv cov duab tsom xam cov tswv yim los saib xyuas cov yam ntxwv ntawm lub nozzle (xws li, Frost tsim ntawm lub nozzle nto) thiab, yog tias Frost lossis lwm yam nozzle raug kuaj pom, siv cov nozzle cov ntaub ntawv sib xyaw duab los ua kom raug.
[B08B] Kev tu dav dav; Cov kev cai dav dav rau kev tiv thaiv scaling ( txhuam A46; tsev neeg lossis cov cuab yeej tu zoo sib xws A47L; kev sib cais ntawm cov khoom ntawm cov kua los yog roj B01D; kev sib cais ntawm cov khib nyiab B03, B07; cov cai dav dav rau kev txau lossis siv cov kua lossis lwm yam khoom ntws mus rau qhov chaw B05; Cov khoom siv tu tsev conveyor B65G 45/10; Kev tu ib txhij, sau thiab kaw cov fwj B67C 7/00; , tshwj xeeb tshaj yog rau kev tu E04H 4/16 tiv thaiv lossis tshem tawm cov nqi hluav taws xob H05F)
Inventors: Charlie H. Reynolds (Cynthiana, KY), David A. Britton (Florence, KY) Assignee: Toyota Motor Engineering Manufacturing North America, Inc. (Plano, TX) Law Firm: Dinsmore Shohl LLP (14 Non-local office) Daim ntawv thov naj npawb, hnub tim, ceev: 16561932 09/05/2019 (845 hnub rau daim ntawv thov tawm)
Paub meej: Cov cuab yeej hauv-kab muaj xws li lub dab tshos, lub phaj mounting, thawj lub tsev thiab ib lub tsev thib ob.Ib lub phaj mounting yog muab pov tseg nyob ib ncig ntawm lub dab tshos thiab suav nrog thawj qhov chaw, qhov chaw thib ob, thiab cov txheej txheem txuas. vaj tse yog tshem tawm mus rau thawj nto ntawm lub mounting phaj thiab lub thib ob vaj tse yog tshem tawm mus rau lub thib ob nto ntawm lub mounting phaj.Qhov txuas mechanism ntawm lub phaj mounting extends radially dhau ntawm cov npoo ntawm thawj thiab thib ob vaj tse.
[B23B] Tig; drilling (siv electrodes hloov B23H, piv txwv li drilling B23H 9/14; machining B23K 26/00 los ntawm laser beam; luam lossis tswj qhov kev npaj ntawm B23Q)
Inventors: Benjamin D. Hack (Blacklick, OH), Clayton J. Karl (Grass Lake, MI), Philip J. Babian (Canton, MI), Robert Tsao (Ann Arbor, MI), Scott E. Malinowski (Brighton, MI ) Assignee: Toyota Motor Engineering Manufacturing North America, Inc. (Plano, TX) Law Firm: Dinsmore Shohl LLP (14 non-local offices) Application No., Date, Speed: 16579023 on 09/23/2019 (827 days for app tso tawm)
Cov lus piav qhia: Ib qho kev sib dhos sib dhos rau kev sib dhos rau lub cev tivthaiv uas muaj ob lub qhov qhib yog muab.Cov kev sib txuas sib txuas muaj xws li tus tswvcuab tus pin thiab tus nuv lub vaj tsev.Cov tswvcuab tus pin suav nrog lub hauv paus thiab ib khub ntawm ntxig pins txuas mus rau ntawm lub hauv paus. nuv vaj tse muaj xws li ib tug saum npoo av thiab ib tug khub ntawm sab hauv channel.Ib lub puab tsaig yog positioned nyob rau hauv txhua txhua qhib ntawm ob khub ntawm sab hauv passages.Cov neeg nuv ntses txuas mus rau sab nraud ntawm tus nuv vaj tse.Lub nuv vaj tse yog txuas nrog lub ntsiab lub cev los ntawm ntxig ib nkawm lub puab tsaig rau hauv qhov qhib tsim nyob rau hauv lub cev tseem ceeb hauv lub puab tsaig insertion direction.Ib khub ntawm insertion pins yog muab tso rau hauv ob lub puab kab lus nyob rau hauv tus pin insertion kev taw qhia kom ruaj tus pin tus tswv cuab thiab tus nuv nyob rau hauv lub cev cov tswv cuab. .
[B60J] Windows, windshields, tsis-taw lub ru tsev, qhov rooj lossis cov khoom siv zoo sib xws; Tshem tawm sab nraud tiv thaiv npog tshwj xeeb tsim rau tsheb (kho, dai, kaw lossis qhib cov khoom siv E05)
Inventor: Roger J. Nolan, Jr. (Goodyear, Arizona) Tus neeg sawv cev: TOYOTA MOTOR ENGINEERING MANUFACTURING NORTH AMERICA, INC. (Plano, Texas) Txoj Cai Lij Choj: Snell Wilmer LLP (5 lub chaw haujlwm tsis nyob hauv zos) Daim Ntawv Thov No., Hnub tim, Rate : 16822966 on 18 March 2020 (650 hnub rau daim ntawv thov tawm)
Paub meej: Cov txheej txheem, cov tshuab thiab cov cuab yeej siv los muab kev pom ntawm ib puag ncig ib puag ncig lub tsheb.Lub kaw lus suav nrog lub koob yees duab teeb tsa kom pom cov duab cov ntaub ntawv ntawm ib puag ncig lub tsheb.Lub kaw lus tseem suav nrog chav tswj hluav taws xob (ECU) txuas nrog lub koob yees duab thiab teeb tsa los ua cov duab raws li cov duab cov ntaub ntawv tshawb pom los ntawm lub koob yees duab.Lub kaw lus kuj suav nrog cov duab teeb tsa los tso saib cov duab ua los ntawm ECU.Lub kaw lus kuj suav nrog cov khoom txuas txuas rau lub koob yees duab thiab ECU, lub connector raug teeb tsa los txuas. los yog disconnect ntawm ib qho chaw proximate lub cargo cia cheeb tsam ntawm lub tsheb.
[B60R] Lub tsheb, cov khoom siv hauv tsheb lossis cov khoom siv hauv tsheb, tsis yog lwm yam khoom siv (tshwj xeeb yog tsim rau kev tiv thaiv hluav taws, tiv thaiv lossis tua hluav taws ntawm tsheb A62C 3/07)
Inventor: Warren Jing Po Chou (Ann Arbor, MI) Assignee: TOYOTA MOTOR ENGINEERING MANUFACTURING NORTH AMERICA, INC. (Plano, TX) Law Firm: Dinsmore Shohl LLP (14 lub chaw ua haujlwm tsis nyob hauv zos) Daim Ntawv Thov No., Hnub , 6 Ceev: 1072 Hnub tim 12/24/2019 (735 hnub app to issue)
Paub meej: Lub vaj huam sib luag tiv thaiv rau kev tiv thaiv sab nrauv ntawm lub tsheb muaj xws li lub vaj huam sib luag uas muaj cov txheej txheem sab hauv, txheej txheej sab nrauv thiab ntau cov tswv cuab nruj.Cov txheej txheem sab hauv thiab sab nrauv yog tsim los ntawm cov khoom siv tau yooj yim.A ntau ntawm cov tswv cuab nruj yog nyob nruab nrab ntawm cov txheej sab hauv thiab sab nrauv.Lub plurality ntawm cov tswv cuab nruj yog qhov sib nrug ntawm ib leeg.
[B60R] Lub tsheb, cov khoom siv hauv tsheb lossis cov khoom siv hauv tsheb, tsis yog lwm yam khoom siv (tshwj xeeb yog tsim rau kev tiv thaiv hluav taws, tiv thaiv lossis tua hluav taws ntawm tsheb A62C 3/07)
Inventor: Mingher Fred Shen (Ann Arbor, MI) Tus neeg sawv cev: TOYOTA MOTOR ENGINEERING MANUFACTURING NORTH AMERICA, INC. (Plano, Texas) Txoj Cai Lij Choj: Dinsmore Shohl LLP (14 lub chaw haujlwm tsis nyob hauv zos) Daim ntawv thov naj npawb, hnub tim, ceev: 1681023 5 Lub Ib Hlis 2020 (663 hnub ntawm daim ntawv thov tawm)
Daim ntawv thov: Ib lub tsheb yog muab los ntawm ib lub tsheb thauj neeg mob, lub tsheb thauj neeg lub tsheb thauj mus los, thiab lub tsheb thauj neeg lub tsheb thauj mus los txuas nrog lub tsheb thauj neeg lub tsheb thauj mus los thiab lub tsheb thauj neeg lub tsheb thauj mus los. ib lub chaw nyob txhawb nqa muaj ib lub receiver, ib caj npab, thiab ib tug anti-rotation pin.Lub caj npab extends ntawm lub receiver nyob rau hauv lub longitudinal kev taw qhia ntawm lub tsheb.Lub receiver yog configured kom tau txais thiab koom lub bumper Symptoms cov tswv cuab.An anti-rotation pin extends nyob rau hauv ib lub tsheb transverse kev taw qhia proximate kawg ntawm caj npab opposite lub receiver thiab koom lub chaw strut mus inhibit kev txav ntawm lub bumper txuas cov tswv cuab txheeb ze rau lub radiator txhawb nqa beam.
[B60R] Lub tsheb, cov khoom siv hauv tsheb lossis cov khoom siv hauv tsheb, tsis yog lwm yam khoom siv (tshwj xeeb yog tsim rau kev tiv thaiv hluav taws, tiv thaiv lossis tua hluav taws ntawm tsheb A62C 3/07)
Inventor: Justin E. Dominic (Milan, MI) Assignee: Toyota Motor Engineering Manufacturing North America, Inc. (Plano, Texas) Law Firm: Oblon, McClelland, Maier Neustadt, LLP (2 Non-local offices)) Daim ntawv thov No., Hnub tim, Ceev: 16751812 ntawm 24 Lub Ib Hlis 2020 (704 hnub rau daim ntawv thov)
Paub meej: Ib qho kev npaj strut rau lub tsheb tau nthuav tawm.Lub tsheb nthuav tawm muaj xws li lub ru tsev thiab ib lub ru tsev sab rail nrog rau lub vaj huam sib luag sab hauv txuas nrog rau ib sab ntawm lub ru tsev.Lub tsheb kuj suav nrog lub strut uas muaj lub vaj huam sib luag sab nraud txuas nrog ib sab ntawm lub ru tsev. lub ru tsev thiab kev sib txuas ntawm lub ru tsev thiab lub vaj huam sib luag sab hauv.Cov struts muaj xws li cov yam ntxwv ntawm cov vaj huam sib luag sab nrauv.Qhov kev ua haujlwm ntawm lub vaj huam sib luag yog configured los ua ib qho kev khoov rau hauv lub vaj huam sib luag sab nrauv uas faib ib qho kev thauj khoom thawj zaug ntawm thaj tsam ntawm lub vaj huam sib luag sab hauv los tiv thaiv tearing ntawm sab hauv vaj huam sib luag thaum lub sij hawm thawj lub tsheb sib tsoo tshwm sim nyob rau hauv uas thawj load yog thov mus rau lub sab nrauv vaj huam sib luag.
[B62D] Tsav tsheb; cov tsheb thauj khoom (steering lossis kev taw qhia ntawm cov tshuab ua liaj ua teb lossis kev siv ntawm cov kev xav tau A01B 69/00; log, casters, qag, nce log adhesion B60B; tsheb log tsheb, log tsheb nce lossis hloov tsheb log B60C; dov Tshuag Kev sib txuas ntawm lossis B60D; tsheb rau kev tsheb nqaj hlau thiab txoj kev, amphibious lossis convertible tsheb B60F kev ncua kev kawm B60G; Tsav tsheb, kev sib kis, kev tswj xyuas, cov cuab yeej siv lossis cov cuab yeej siv hluav taws xob B60K; los yog kev txhawb nqa los yog nws cov circuits, siv rau hauv tsheb ntawm B60Q dav dav tsheb, khoom siv hauv tsheb lossis cov khoom siv tsheb, tsis yog muab los ntawm B60R; Kev pabcuam, tu, kho, txhawb nqa, nqa lossis kev tswj xyuas rau B60S; brakes, nres tswj systems los yog lawv qhov chaw B60T; cua-cushioned tsheb B60V; maus taus thiab lawv cov khoom siv B62J, B62K; tsheb kuaj G01M)
Inventors: Christopher E. Foskey (Keller, TX), Michael J. Southerland (North Richland Hills, TX) Assignee: Textron Innovations (Province, RI) Dens) Law Firm: Lightfoot Alford PLLC (1 non-local office) daim ntawv thov naj npawb, Hnub tim, ceev: 11/16/2017 15815482 (1503 hnub daim ntawv thov tawm)
Paub meej: Hauv qee qhov qauv, lub rotorcraft tuaj yeem suav nrog tus quab, cov hniav, lub ntxaiv cuam tshuam nrog tus quab, thiab lub elastomeric bearing los ua ke.Qhov nruab nrab ntev ntawm lub mandrel yuav txhais tau lub hauv paus axis dhau los ntawm qhov nruab nrab ntawm cov kabmob elastomeric. elastomeric bearing los ua ke yuav muaj xws li ib tug vaj tse nyob ua ke rau cov hniav thiab pov tseg nyob rau hauv lub hauv paus axis configured rotate txheeb ze rau lub hauv paus axis.Lub elastomeric bearing los ua ke tej zaum yuav muaj xws li ib tug elastomeric shear bearing muaj ib feem ntawm lub mandrel thiab ib tug sab nrauv txuas rau. Lub vaj tse.Lub elastomeric bearing sib dhos tej zaum yuav muaj xws li ib tug elastomeric centrifugal quab yuam bearing nias tiv thaiv lub tsev.Shear bearings yuav configured rau counteract torsional rog, thiab centrifugal quab yuam bearings yuav configured rau counteract compressive rog.
Inventor: Luke Dafydd Gillett (Grapevine, TX) Assignee: TEXTRON INNOVATIONS INC. (Providence, RI) Law Firm: Slater Matsil, LLP (Local + 1 other metros) Daim Ntawv Thov No., Hnub, Ceev: 16892020 Lub Rau Hli 2020 Lub Peb Hlis 3 (5 hnub ntawm kev tso tawm app)
Lus Cim: Lub rotorcraft muaj xws li lub ntsiab rotor, lub davhlau tswj txuas nrog lub ntsiab rotor, ntau lub cav txuas nrog lub ntsiab rotor thiab ua haujlwm kom tsav lub rotor lub ntsiab, lub ntsiab rotor kiv puag ncig ib feeb (RPM) sensor, thiab kev saib xyuas. uas tuaj yeem ua haujlwm los txiav txim siab lub cav tsis ua haujlwm rau ntau lub cav.Qhov kev saib xyuas yog txuas ntxiv ua haujlwm rau nws pib-rotate-hauv pab txheej txheem raws li qhov ntsuas lub ntsiab rotor RPM hauv cov lus teb rau yam tsawg kawg txiav txim siab lub cav tsis ua haujlwm, nyob rau hauv nws pib-rotate- nyob rau hauv pab txheej txheem suav nrog cov kev soj ntsuam xyuas tsim ib los yog ntau tshaj rotor RPMs muaj feem xyuam rau lub rotor RPM.Based ntawm tsawg kawg yog ib lub hom phiaj tseem ceeb rotor RPM thiab ntsuas lub ntsiab rotor RPM hais kom ua, nyob rau hauv nws pib-rotation nkag mus pab txheej txheem ntxiv muaj xws li kev tswj ib los yog ntau lub davhlau tswj raws li ib lossis ntau dua rotor RPM cov lus txib.
Inventors: John Lloyd (Arlington, TX), Kirk Landon Groninga (Keller, TX) Assignee: Textron Innovations (Providence, RI) LLP: Lightfoot Alford PLLC (1 non-local office) Daim ntawv thov No., Hnub tim, Ceev: 15860601 ntawm 01 02/02/2018 (1456 hnub app rau qhov teeb meem)
Paub meej: Cov txheej txheem thiab cov txheej txheem suav nrog kev muab lub dav hlau nrog lub davhlau tswj, lub tshuab hluav taws xob hybrid lossis hybrid hydraulic propulsion system, thiab cov kiv cua triple-ducted configuration.Txhua ntawm ob lub kiv cua pem hauv ntej muaj xws li ib qho rotor system nrog ntau lub rotor hniav, thiab Cov kiv cua ib leeg ducted rear muaj xws li ib tug dual, coaxial, counter-rotating rotor system, txhua tus muaj ntau yam rotors hniav.Lub dav hlau yog ib tug ntsug take-off thiab tsaws (VTOL) aircraft muaj peev xwm ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv ob lub dav hlau hom thiab nyoob hoom qav taub hom, thiab yog tsim los muab cov tsheb tavxij huab cua hauv nroog los daws cov teeb meem hauv av hauv av, txo cov pa roj carbon monoxide thiab ua kom cov khoom tsim tau zoo, yog li muab kev thauj mus los sai, zoo dua.
Inventor: Daniel Lim (Glendale, CA) Assignee: Xtenti, LLC (Dallas, TX) Law Firm: No Attorney Application No., Date, Speed: 15589897 Thov rau lub Tsib Hlis 8, 2017 (1695 hnub ua ntawv thov)
Lus Cim: Daim ntawv no muab cov khoom siv dav hlau txuas thiab xa mus rau qhov chaw thiab ib txoj hauv kev los tsim kom muaj kev sib txuas ntawm lub dav hlau txuas thiab xa tawm. Lub dav hlau mus rau qhov kev sib tshuam, (2) lub rooj sib dhos tsav tau teeb tsa los txuas lub dav hlau ua ntej kev xaav Kev txwv lub dav hlau mus rau cov qauv txuas thiab tso lub dav hlau los ntawm cov qauv txuas thaum xa mus, thiab (3) kev xa tawm mechanism txuas nrog cov qauv txuas. thiab configured eject lub spacecraft los ntawm Symptoms qauv, nyob rau hauv lub Symptoms qauv, lub actuation los ua ke thiab deployment mechanism yog modular Cheebtsam, thiab cov kev twb kev txuas qauv thiab deployment mechanism raug xaiv raws li lub parameters ntawm lub spacecraft los tsim ib tug system.

Post lub sij hawm: May-17-2022

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