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Ensuring Safe Operation: Maintenance of China Self-operated Pressure Regulating Valve


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I. Basic knowledge of self-operated pressure regulating valves

1.1 Classification of self-operated pressure regulating valves

Self-operated pressure regulating valves can be divided into several types, such as spring-type self-operated pressure regulating valves, lever-type self-operated pressure regulating valves and pulse-type self-operated pressure regulating valves, according to their working principles and structures. Each type of safety valve has its unique application occasions and performance characteristics.

1.2 Working principle of self-operated pressure regulating valves

The main function of the self-operated pressure regulating valve is to automatically open when the system pressure exceeds the set value, release excess media, reduce system pressure, and thus protect the safety of the equipment. When the system pressure returns to the normal range, the self-operated pressure regulating valve will automatically close and continue to protect the normal operation of the system.

II. Daily maintenance of self-operated pressure regulating valves

2.1 Regular inspection

Regular inspection is the basis for ensuring the normal operation of self-operated pressure regulating valves. Inspection contents include:

- Appearance inspection: Check whether the appearance of the self-operated pressure regulating valve is obviously damaged, corroded or deformed.
- Connection: Check whether there is leakage at the connection between the self-operated pressure regulating valve and the pipeline.
- Valve body temperature: Touch the valve body with your hand to determine whether its temperature is abnormal.

2.2 Cleaning and lubrication

During long-term use, the self-operated pressure regulating valve may be blocked or worn due to impurities in the medium. Regular cleaning and lubrication can effectively extend its service life.

- Cleaning: Disassemble the self-operated pressure regulating valve and clean the inside and outside of the valve body with a suitable cleaning agent to ensure that no impurities remain.
- Lubrication: Apply a proper amount of lubricating oil to the valve stem and other moving parts to reduce friction and wear.

2.3 Verification and debugging

The verification and debugging of the self-operated pressure regulating valve are key steps to ensure its accurate movement. It is generally recommended to perform verification and debugging at least once a year.

- Verification: Perform pressure verification on the self-operated pressure regulating valve on a professional verification bench to check whether its opening pressure and return pressure meet the set values.
- Debugging: According to the verification results, make necessary adjustments to the self-operated pressure regulating valve to ensure that it can be opened and closed reliably under the specified pressure.

III. Common faults and treatment methods

3.1 Valve leaks air or water

Cause analysis: It may be caused by damage to the sealing surface, impurities between the valve disc and the valve seat, or loose spring.

Treatment method:
- Check the sealing surface: Disassemble the self-operated pressure regulating valve, check whether the sealing surface is damaged or corroded, and repair or replace it if necessary.
- Remove impurities: Clean the impurities between the valve disc and the valve seat to ensure good contact.
- Adjust the spring: If the spring is loose, adjust the compression of the spring appropriately to restore its elasticity.

3.2 The valve does not move

Cause analysis: It may be caused by the set pressure of the self-operated pressure regulating valve being too high, the spring being broken, or the valve stem being stuck.

Treatment method:
- Adjust the set pressure: According to the system requirements, adjust the set pressure of the self-operated pressure regulating valve appropriately.
- Replace the spring: If the spring is broken, replace it with a new spring.
- Check the valve stem: Disassemble the self-operated pressure regulating valve, check whether the valve stem is stuck, and repair or replace it if necessary.

IV. Storage and transportation of self-operated pressure regulating valves

4.1 Storage

Self-operated pressure regulating valves should be protected from moisture, corrosion and mechanical damage during storage. It is recommended to store them in a dry and ventilated environment and to conduct regular inspections and maintenance.

4.2 Transportation

During transportation, appropriate protective measures should be taken to prevent the self-operated pressure regulating valve from vibration, collision and extrusion. It can be packaged in a packaging box and fixed firmly to prevent damage during transportation.

As an important component in industrial equipment, the normal operation of the self-operated pressure regulating valve regulating-valve is crucial to the safety of the entire system. Through regular inspection, cleaning, lubrication and calibration, common fault problems can be effectively prevented and solved to ensure the safe operation of the equipment. It is hoped that the maintenance and care methods provided in this article can provide a reference for the majority of users and help everyone better manage and use the self-operated pressure regulating valve.